Also, I’m not a huge fan of the pitch and mod controllers’ above-the-keyboard location, but in Arturia’s defense, 88 full-size keys make for a large instrument, so this helps reduce its width. My only issue with the laptop “shelf” is its right side-only location right-handed players might prefer a laptop or tablet on the left so they won’t need to take their dominant hand off the keyboard. Both can be solidly attached to the rear panel via simple slip-in keyholes, and thoughtfully include rubber surfaces to prevent unwanted movement. Unique to the KeyLab 88 are two add-ons-an aluminum and plastic music stand, as well as a laptop (or tablet) shelf that effectively extends the empty area at the top right of the control panel by four inches. Like Arturia’s other controllers, the KeyLab 88 exudes quality with its all-aluminum case and lovely solid wood end cheeks.

The keyboard itself is a fully weighted 88-key Fatar action with velocity and monophonic aftertouch. Finally, we see standard transport controls and 16 full-size illuminated MPC-style pads. Moving along, we have ten multifunction assignable buttons, ten assignable endless rotary knobs, and nine assignable sliders. Beginning at the top left are standard pitch and mod wheels, and an octave up/down selector followed by endless-rotary volume, parameter/category, value/preset knobs, mode buttons, and a Spartan (but super bright) 16x2 blue fluorescent display. KeyLab 88’s front panel and control layout are almost identical to its more compact KeyLab 49 and KeyLab 61 counterparts. The company also sweetens the pot with its 5,000-preset Analog Lab virtual instrument, and the first 3,000 units sold include high-end virtual piano instruments from UVI and Pianoteq. Until now, all have been of the unweighted 25-, 37-, and 61-key variety, but now Arturia jumps into the big leagues with the “kitchen sink edition,” the 88-key, fully weighted KeyLab 88. We're thrilled to add these patches to the Worship Artistry family of tools equipping your team for worship leading and freeing up your time for ministry connections.Arturia has released a steady stream of classy USB/MIDI controller keyboard/virtual instrument packages over the past few years. Both your iPad and computer need to be on the same wireless network in order for them to communicate between each other. This is a controller app specifically for Omnisphere.
#Pianoteq mainstage for free#
In order to use Live Mode, you will need an iPad running the Omni TR app which is available for free in the app store. If you don’t have Keyscape, you can simply use any piano program you like outside of Omnisphere.ģ. That means you can use a Keyscape piano in Omnisphere’s arpeggiator and more. I used to use other piano programs like The Giant and Ivory Pianos, but the great thing about Keyscape is that it works thru Omnisphere. Omnisphere is a plugin and therefore needs a host program like MainStage 3, Ableton Live, Logic, etc.Ģ. You can pick up a copy of Omnisphere 2 here. If you are using Omnisphere 1, some of the patches may open if they were originally in the first version, but I make no promises as to if they will fully work.
#Pianoteq mainstage Patch#
Every song will include an Omnisphere file that contains 1) all the patches used in that song, 2) a multi that sets up all of the patches for use in Live Mode, as well as the Stack Mode and regions for each patch on the keyboard, and 3) effects that were used to tailor the sounds.ġ. Simply visit our new keyboard patch store to browse our catalog of currently 100 different song patches. No more preproduction work on your part! You just need to adjust some volumes to your taste and you’re ready to go. And since we've already created these sounds, we want you to be get rolling instantly and with ease. Most of the artists on this site use a plugin called Omnisphere, so that's what we use to generate all of the sounds for a particular song. Introducing the Worship Artistry Patch Store!Ī ton of time is spent on every keyboard lesson on patches alone so that you can have all of the major patches needed in order to pull off the song. Wouldn't if be great if you could just click a button and have all those settings and layers put together for you? Well, now you can. Every Worship Artistry keyboard lesson has a tone chapter where we describe all the crazy things we do to get the keyboard tones right.